Home of Distinctive Ideas

At Genevra Associates, we believe that proactive engagement and strategic investments can reshape the landscape of sports and entertainment, creating a brighter future for both industry players and enthusiasts worldwide.

An Activist and Reform-Minded Hedge Fund

Genevra Associates is on a mission to revolutionize the sports and entertainment industry through its activist-driven hedge fund. We are committed to harnessing our expertise and strategic insights to effect positive change and unlock hidden value in this dynamic vertical. By engaging with companies, stakeholders, and influencers, we aim to drive growth, innovation, and sustainable success. Our approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities within the sports and entertainment sector, making us a formidable force for positive transformation.

As the "reformer hedge fund", we are dedicated to not only generating strong financial returns, but also to introducing reforms and creating positive impact through our investments. Our focus is on special situations and undervalued assets where we can bring about change and unlock value for our investors. We believe in being responsible and ethical investors, and our investments are carefully selected to align with our values and philosophy. Our aim is to deliver consistent, long-term returns while making a meaningful contribution to society and the world.

Meticulous Risk Management

In our philosophy, risk management comes ahead of returns.

We recognize that sustainability and long-term results are integral components of effective risk management in our investments. We are steadfast in our commitment to not only achieve financial success, but also to safeguard capital for our clients. By meticulously evaluating environmental, social, and governance factors, we identify resilient opportunities that align with our sustainability ethos. This approach not only minimizes potential downsides but also positions us to thrive in a rapidly evolving market. Our dedication to responsible investing not only mitigates risk, but also fosters a resilient portfolio that stands the test of time, ultimately securing a prosperous future for our clients.

A Fair and Sustainable Partnership Approach

Genevra Associates is revolutionizing the traditional hedge fund model to offer a superior experience for our investors. Our management and investor interests are fully aligned, following the principles established by hedge fund industry pioneer Alfred Winslow Jones. This means that our clients only pay a share of what has been earned, with no out-of-pocket expenses.

In terms of leverage, our approach is guided by our models and is conservative compared to the industry. Unlike many other hedge funds that rely heavily on leverage to produce impressive but unsustainable results, we believe in taking a more moderate approach to leverage. Our priority is delivering reasonable returns over the long term, rather than seeking short-term gains. By breaking from traditional industry practices and focusing on aligning interests with our investors, we are committed to offering a transparent and fair investment experience.

Protecting Our Clients' Investments

We operate with a structure that prioritizes the safety and security of its clients' assets. Genevra Associates, our General Partner, is a separate legal entity from our Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) and is responsible for making investment decisions on behalf of the Fund. In the unlikely event of Genevra's insolvency, the Fund's assets would not be impacted and clients, or Limited Partners, would be entitled to the Fund's assets.

To ensure the highest level of protection for our clients' assets, we partner with top custodian banks and prime brokers for our banking and brokerage needs. Our external central administrative body ensures rigorous adherence to both Luxembourg and European Union regulations, and conducts an impartial quarterly assessment of the Net Asset Value (NAV). Additionally, we utilize the best-in-market security and encryption protocols to safeguard our dashboards, portals, and website against any external threats.

Aligned Interests: Skin in The Game Approach

Our team invests their own personal capital into the fund, showcasing our unwavering belief in our investment strategy and approach. This also provides our clients with the assurance that we are fully committed to protecting their investments and ensuring their success. To reinforce this commitment, we have established the “Founders Share Class." This is a dedicated share class for Genevra's management team and offers them the opportunity to invest in the fund alongside our clients. With our personal interests tied to the success of the fund, we are motivated to make smart investment decisions that deliver long-term value.